In Obama's interview with the BBC, he stated that it's ok for Iran to have Nuclear energy.

"Without going into specifics, what I do believe is that Iran has legitimate energy concerns, legitimate aspirations. On the other hand, the international community has a very real interest in preventing a nuclear arms race in the region," Obama said.

Has Iran found a way to environmentally dump the waste from these energy plants? No.

Is Iran working with the International community (like the UN) to follow the guidelines for safe Nuclear energy? No.

Why then does Iran essentially get the bid from Obama to continue pursuing Nuclear energy?

Is it because we use 25% of the worlds resources?

Especially when the leader of Iran wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth!

Does this mean the US can start building nuclear plants? Nope.

Obama why are we punished for showing that we are good stewards of Nuclear energy and they are not?

What is it?

Comments (Page 5)
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on Jun 04, 2009

First, I'm not sure where this whole bulldozing houses thing started.  If Alderic, you want to talk about Bull Dozing well, Gaza and West Bank FORCED all Jews out hence if you owned a house and you were Jewish it got demolished doing the evac.

Second, the attitude that a Nation should be allowed to do whatever as along as it doesn't effect me is IMBECILIC! Yes, they should be allowed to do whatever they want.  As people, we can do whatever we want for example some one could come burn your house down, kill you, and your family.  Yes, they're allowed to do that BUT there will be consequences to this happening (laws).

I'm not saying that Iran shouldn't be allowed to have Nuclear Power, but I think it would be better if they didn't have it FOR the consequences of them getting it will be high.

It would be naive and jive if we would allow them to get nuclear power. Notice how China and Russia aren't really concerned with Iran getting it. The problem is most people from the States have the attitude that why not let them get it.

Yeah and I'm sure that the world would be a much safier, more peaceful place if Iran was allowed to have Nuclear Power. Especially with Mahmoud and that he's a radical muslim as well(oh yeah maybe you don't believe in G-D or their god.  Why don't we just tell him that we don't believe in his god or their god and lets see how far that gets us).

Kofi Annan, he was the UN Secretary General, admitted that Israel is often unfairly judged at the United Nations. "On one side, supporters of Israel feel that it is harshly judged by standards that are not applied to its enemies and too often this is true, particularly in the some U.N. bodies."


Out of 225 resolutions towards Israel:

136 were against Israel

84 were neutral

5 were against the perceived interests of Arabs.


I will give you this and that the U.N is a joke, a joke with most employees getting paid decently. The employees are the ones who are laughing at the foolish people who supports them.

shell[/quote][quote who="AldericJourdain" comment="38"]
See my response above save for the following: If they're so keen on giving up things for peace, then why not give up some land to settle this once and for all? Place the palestinians who truly want peace (the moms, dads, etc.) and then shell the shit out of the terrorists and those who fight them. See, a solution.
Geesh, this world really comes across god forsaken and crazy.

Just so you know that Palestine has had 2 opportunities (U.N. Resolution 181/465, can't find third one late and tired) to accept a land agreement.  Each time they've rejected it out right.  What the PA is doing now is just being a little kid and throwing a fit until they get their way.  The PA doesn't want Israel to be there.

Your response is the usually 'American' response.  We should let them duke it out or we should bomb them all.

You may say that G-D (may not don't believe in G-D) didn't intervene during 1948 war and 1967 war BOTH wars the U.S were not yet supporting Israel heavily.  Actually during the '67 war Israel and U.S relations were pretty intense due to a situation that happened with an American ship.

One final thing, Hamas (Chamas in biblical Hebrew actually means violence.  I won't bore anyone with the verses.  The verse are pretty interesting in what they say about Chamas, Leauki am I right?) hates Israel and actually in its charter wants to set up an Islamic Palestinian state with no Jews in it.  With Jerusalem just like Mecca and Medina they want to set it up so ONLY MUSLIMS are allowed in those cities. Saudi Arabia, actually does not allow Israelies in FOR ANY REASON.

Giving land for peace will NEVER work, for PA/Hamas does not just want a piece they want the whole thing.

I will say this on both sides there is hatred and a lot of false stereotypes.


on Jun 04, 2009


Take the higher road, and stop the fighting. If they're so wonderful and noble and what not  - then take the friggin high road. Stop the battle and be proactive in providing places for the innocent palestinians to live. Then deal with the terrorists.
Because, Israel is the one that has the true capability to do such things. The palestinian gov't most likely won't do it.

It'll takes both sides though you are right because the PA doesn't want peace.  I will concede this fact a fair amount of Religious Jews don't want to give up any land, but you see that being disregarded.

Suha Arafat, she's the widow of Yasser, she is in the top 15 most wealthiest women in the World.  I don't think you become one of the wealthiest by being the wife of a PA president.  A lot of that money is OUR tax money hard at work.  Greed, was one of the main reasons why Hamas won elections.

In conclusion, your analysis of the PA gov't was very accurate and they plan on not doing anything that will help the peace process.



on Jun 05, 2009

1. Offer to move any and all Palestinians to camps outside of, say, the WB and Gaza. Tell them that if they won't leave, then they are considered fair game. (Offer incentives; food, water, etc.) As they are transitioning, establish security measures (i.e. my thought is an ID system)

Israel does this. Every time Israel bombs an enemy, Israeli aircraft drop leaflets first, telling people to leave the area.

But they don't leave.


2. Blow the hell out of those who are left.

Sounds a bit inhumane to me.

So your criticism of Israel here is that you think that Israel should bomb the hell of of the enemies rather then use bulldozers?


It isn't fool proof, but it could be a start. I'm not saying that Israel is entirely to blame - I'm not dense; however, they do share a part of the blame.

Specifically, they share the part of the blame for things people make up.


on Jun 05, 2009


P.S. Anyone know a good mexican dish to prepare for a date? I'm gonna ask this girl out here at school and thought about fixing something.

Do you still need a mexican recipe? I have won and gone to a lot of cooking competitions in many different styles.  What type of food do you like? Are you vegan or do you like meat? What type of food does she like? Spicy? Tangy? Are you looking for something easy? What food do you have to work with? What is your budget?

on Jun 05, 2009

It doesn't matter who did what first, it's the peace that could be that matters.As for the high road, at least they didn't broadly fire into the yard, possibly killing said neighbor's family/children who likely had nothing to do with the specific neighbor.

Oh but in this case they do.  When you have friends over they are open firing on them, including women and children.  AJ, just look up all the horrors of S'derot.  The terrorists constantly bomb them. 


on Jun 05, 2009

Specifically, they share the part of the blame for things people make up.

Leauki, as you and I know they are part of the blame for trying to live.

on Jun 05, 2009

Leauki, as you and I know they are part of the blame for trying to live.


Sorry about that.

It's really the world vs Israel on the question of whether the Jews should be thrown into the sea. Now the world offers a compromise, of course. And the evil Israelis won't accept it. Six million dead, they think, six million dead is the demand. What would the compromise be? (And what legitimises the demand anyway?)


on Jun 05, 2009


Isn't it interesting how Israel has to always give up something? Israel needs to be the one to stop fighting first (ie start the cease fire).  Israel needs to give up some land.  Israel needs to give up some money.  Why hasn't there been a solution that says.  Hey Palistine you want to exist then leave Israel alone else, withdraw most of the restrictions on what Israel can do as part of warefare!  There that's my two state solution.

Obama is now calling for a 2-state solution.  Suddenly he says, "Now is the time to act." Obama went to a concentration camp, gave a speach in Cairo, and suddenly he is the expert.    

I wonder if Obama realizes that Netanyahu has told him, NO to dividing of Jerusalem.  The lines are already drawn why doesn't the POTUS just push for them to accept their current territory?  I'm of the opinion that Chamas/Palistine will continue to push and break peace treaties when they know that the next peace treaty will involve Israel giving them something (usually land).  What incentive is Palistine given to quit fighting when they know that they'll keep getting more?

on Jun 05, 2009

Isn't it interesting how Israel has to always give up something? Israel needs to be the one to stop fighting first (ie start the cease fire).  Israel needs to give up some land.  Israel needs to give up some money.  Why hasn't there been a solution that says.  Hey Palistine you want to exist then leave Israel alone else, withdraw most of the restrictions on what Israel can do as part of warefare!  There that's my two state solution.

My policy is simple.

1. Bring up the concept of "land for peace" and I will want to know how much land Israel is going to receive in exchange for peace.

2. Bring up the concept of "illegal settlements" and I will want to know whether those rules should also affect Arab settlements in Israel or whether they are rules against Jews only. I will reject any anti-Semitic rules.

3. Bring up the refugee question and I will want to know how much each Jewish and Arab refugee is supposed to receive as compensation. There have been more Jewish than Arab refugees in this conflict. I support equal compensation for each individual.

4. And finally, bring up the question of annexation of land and occupation of Islamic holy cities and I will enthusiastically support any measure designed to convince the Saudis to withdraw from the Kingdom of Hejaz and the two holy cities of Mecca and Medina. I will want to address the holy cities in order of Islamic holiness.



on Jun 05, 2009


Isn't it interesting how Israel has to always give up something? Israel needs to be the one to stop fighting first (ie start the cease fire).  Israel needs to give up some land.  Israel needs to give up some money.  Why hasn't there been a solution that says.  Hey Palistine you want to exist then leave Israel alone else, withdraw most of the restrictions on what Israel can do as part of warefare!  There that's my two state solution.

My policy is simple.

1. Bring up the concept of "land for peace" and I will want to know how much land Israel is going to receive in exchange for peace.

2. Bring up the concept of "illegal settlements" and I will want to know whether those rules should also affect Arab settlements in Israel or whether they are rules against Jews only. I will reject any anti-Semitic rules.

3. Bring up the refugee question and I will want to know how much each Jewish and Arab refugee is supposed to receive as compensation. There have been more Jewish than Arab refugees in this conflict. I support equal compensation for each individual.

4. And finally, bring up the question of annexation of land and occupation of Islamic holy cities and I will enthusiastically support any measure designed to convince the Saudis to withdraw from the Kingdom of Hejaz and the two holy cities of Mecca and Medina. I will want to address the holy cities in order of Islamic holiness.



Leauki and Adventure Guy, you fail to realize that most people, especially in the States, don't know about that  or care to know.  Hence, why they say let them duke it out or we should blow them up.

Israel was totally trouncing Lebanon but was force to stop.  If the United States and the U.K (both countries are becoming anti-sematic and are just plain ignorant) stop supporting Israel, Israel will still survive.  Now, for the United States and the U.K, both countries and the West in general is another question if they survive.

Most people think its all about the land.  If only the PA had the land this whole thing would be over.  In the two U.N resolutions that I posted (181 and 465) they got a lot of land.  Obviously now, the land is better because Israel had irigated it, but the PA has made that all null and void with what they've done to the land. The land now is back to how it was prior to '47 and just a waste land.  Its not about the land but its about the people who are on the land and who is allowed on the land.

One final thing, is most people don't realize that the PA use to get most of their electricity, food, medical needs to such a point where was like a tumor or a leech.

It would be like if the United States supported Mexico as in they supplied them with what ever they need.  Wait a minute, the U.S. already does!

on Jun 05, 2009

Most people think its all about the land.

And that despite the fact that both the PLO and Hamas do their best to make it clear that it is about killing Jews.

It's weird.


Leauki and Adventure Guy, you fail to realize that most people, especially in the States, don't know about that  or care to know.

Yeah, but that doesn't really matter.

Using my four principles, I can deflect almost anything.

And then there is the ideal answer to "Are you a Zionist?".

I support freedom and independence for all minorities in the Middle East including the Imazighen, the Fur and the other African tribes in Sudan, the Kurds, the Assyrians, and the Jews. I am a Phoenicianist and a Pharaonist.

I suport equal rights for Arabs and Jews and Assyrians and everybody else, women, homosexuals, Christians, and Yezidis.

I support gay pride parades in holy cities, I support democracy and freedom of speech and religion.

I support a Jewish state in Israel, an Aramaic state in Syria, Berber states in northern Africa and Arab states in Arabia.

I oppose the death penalty and the mistreatment of foreign workers.

I believe that whites and blacks have the same value, that black Africans are not merely potential slaves and that white Arabs are not automatic masters.

So, yes, in other words, I am a Zionist.

I am everything white supremacists, Arab nationalists, slave holders, and Islamic fundamentalists hate. And I am proud of it.


on Jun 05, 2009

Bottom line is folks, I want to see peace. For the sake of my friends, and my grandfather; the stuff happening over there breaks my heart, and I do not see the PA willing to do much, so, it really falls on Israel to get things done. I'm not saying Israel is some hideous monster, but I do believe it can do better. I'm suddenly reminded of a comment that is worth chewing on:

"Governments have never lied to anyone; they are the bastion of honesty, I should believe my government."

Think about it; other than that, I'm done with the Israel part of the conversation.


Do you still need a mexican recipe? I have won and gone to a lot of cooking competitions in many different styles. What type of food do you like? Are you vegan or do you like meat? What type of food does she like? Spicy? Tangy? Are you looking for something easy? What food do you have to work with? What is your budget?


Yes, and I'm vegetarian, she is not. She's not picky and I don't mind spicy food's so long as it isn't "kick your arse" spicy. You know what I mean? I'd like something easy to make since I really am no Emeril Lagasse. My budget is 45-50$.

on Jun 05, 2009

And that despite the fact that both the PLO and Hamas do their best to make it clear that it is about killing Jews.

It's weird.

They turn a deafening ear and close their eyes.  Obama and many Americans come across as arrogant as a result.  They have a solution but only reveal their ignorance.

Most people think its all about the land. If only the PA had the land this whole thing would be over. In the two U.N resolutions that I posted (181 and 465) they got a lot of land. Obviously now, the land is better because Israel had irigated it, but the PA has made that all null and void with what they've done to the land. The land now is back to how it was prior to '47 and just a waste land. Its not about the land but its about the people who are on the land and who is allowed on the land.

I forgot about this.  Thank you for reminding me.

on Jun 05, 2009

as for peace, the Jewish scriptures speak of a man who will broker peace for a seven year period.  He's the one the Christians are waiting for.  He will not be a good guy but millions will think he's god because he will finally be the one who brings peace  (false) to the Jews and to the nations.  So as I watched Obama yesterday I was he the one Daniel spoke about so many many years ago?  If so, there's not one thing we're going to do to stop this.  There will be some sort of seven year pact made.  Time will tell if that's what Obama is supposed to be part of or not.  If so, it should be imminent.  Because he has most likely 7 1/2 years left.

Yes, and I'm vegetarian, she is not. She's not picky and I don't mind spicy food's so long as it isn't "kick your arse" spicy. You know what I mean? I'd like something easy to make since I really am no Emeril Lagasse. My budget is 45-50$.

I have a nice rice,bean, mexican cheese and salsa dish that wins raves everytime I make it.....but it does have hamburg in it.  Everyone else who has made it also said it went over big at their homes.   It's very easy but very good.    It's very inexpensive to make and with some cornbread and salad would make you a wonderful meal. 



on Jun 05, 2009

Bottom line is folks, I want to see peace. For the sake of my friends, and my grandfather; the stuff happening over there breaks my heart, and I do not see the PA willing to do much, so, it really falls on Israel to get things done. I'm not saying Israel is some hideous monster, but I do believe it can do better. I'm suddenly reminded of a comment that is worth chewing on:

"Governments have never lied to anyone; they are the bastion of honesty, I should believe my government."

Think about it; other than that, I'm done with the Israel part of the conversation.

AJ, this is a ludicrous perspective! 

Please tell me how the additional responsibility falls on Israel for the lack of responsibility?  You talk about giving Israel the pass when you clearly just gave the PA a pass for their lack.  Additionally you place PA's lack on Israel.  When you do this what is the PA's incentive for peace?  This is a total socialist/Marxist mindset on an international scale!


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