Published on January 20, 2005 By Adventure-Dude In Religion
---L-rd Grant Serenity to you and me.---

While I’m awake, you are sleeping,
wonder what dreams, you might be keeping
While the L-rd watches over your slumber
Protecting you, from the evil one’s plunder
L-rd grant you serenity
That is what I pray for thee

May they get their rest
So, they can feel their best
As they go to face the day
That in your grace, they will stay
L-rd grant them serenity
That is what I pray for thee

You provide for us the way
That each day, we must pray
Surround us with your presence
That we may know your essence
L-rd grant us serenity
That is what I pray to thee

-Adventure Dude 1/19/05

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