This is the latest phrase that is coming out of the Democrat Party. 

I think it is very problematic for their party and I have the suspicion it is going to come back and bite them.

Let me point out the areas that I see as being problematic.  


First let me start with the ‘Jesus was a Community Organizer’ part:

This seems like an allegorical attempt to paint Obama’s experience with that of Jesus.  The problem with this is that Jesus started out poor and remained poor. Obama did not (no, I’m not trying to keep him down either).  

Jesus also NEVER played the victim that Obama has.  Obama continues to depict himself as the victim of race, religion, and whatever else he decides.  

For the record I am not the one who made the allegory I’m just refuting and trying to point out its problems.  If you find yourself with a problem about it, get over it.  


Now let me talk about Pontius Pilot was a Governor:

On the surface I take this as a blatant jab at Sarah Palin however this is the part I think that is mostly going to turn around and bite the Dems in their posteriors.

Pontius Pilot was NOT the one who sentenced Jesus to death it was the Religious Jews (aka Pharisees) that sentenced him.  If you read this account in Matt 27 you will see not only did Pontius Pilot NOT sentence him he used wise judgment and washed his hands from the blood.  This in my opinion makes Pontius Pilot a righteous and just governor.  

Once you take a look at this picture from this perspective I’m thinking this is a compliment to Governor Sarah Palin.  



I guess though in the end that the Democrats are right.  It isn’t Palin that will determine the fate for Obama’s campaign but the people of the United States.

on Sep 12, 2008

Everyone has missed it.  BIG TIME.  Obama is not a community organizer (he was).  He is a Senator.  Just like Brutus.

Anyone for a knife in the back?

on Sep 12, 2008

Everyone has missed it. BIG TIME. Obama is not a community organizer (he was). He is a Senator. Just like Brutus.


Et tu Brute?

on Sep 12, 2008

I think you make a great point. And, technically, Jesus was a teacher, not a community organizer.

on Sep 12, 2008

See, that's why we don't mix religion and politics...stupid shit happens.


on Sep 12, 2008

Obama's community organizing was no benevolent sacrifice.  It was the entry level job into the Chicago political machine. 

on Sep 13, 2008

It was the entry level job into the Chicago political machine.

And the mob apparently

on Sep 15, 2008

Heard a good one this morning:

Reagan was a governor.  Manson was a cummunity organizer.

on Sep 16, 2008

And, JFTR, it's 'Pilate.'

on Sep 16, 2008

And, JFTR, it's 'Pilate.'


You are correct.

on Sep 16, 2008


And, JFTR, it's 'Pilate.'


You are correct.

Yea, Jesus is a Sky Pilot after all.

on Sep 19, 2008

Who else can we call community organizers?  Oh I know, Charles Manson, Al Capone, Jim Jones, the list just goes on and on....

on Dec 17, 2008

Anyone who tries to compare themselves to Jesus Christ to me is just another runner-up to being the anti-christ.  The real anti-christ is going to be adored and cherished world wide, until the day he declares himself to be god.  That when the real party starts.  I don't think any candidate, regardless of political affiliation should compate themselves to Jesus Christ.  I reason is the fact the Jesus Christ endured intense torture and the burden of the cross to exolve mankind in general of there sin.  I doubt there any people in this world who is truly willing to bear such a burden.  Second, the whole seperation of church and state.  That is why I don't follow anyone blindly no matter how saintly they appear.