They put the river where?
Published on July 14, 2004 By Adventure-Dude In Humor
As I had said before that I live in a mountain town that attracts alot of tourists.

I was strolling down mainstreet on my way to eat some ice cream. I was stopped by some out of towners who asked, "Are you from here?" I acknowledged that I am. They looked at me and said, "Um can you tell me why they put the river so close to the train tracks?" (They were referring to the narrow gauge scenic railroad that departs from our town and makes its way up the river). I do not remember what my resonse was but I am still in awe at the question. These must be the same people who think corn comes in a can (rather than a corn field).

Maybe I should have proceeded with a story along the lines that back then there wasn't alot to do and so they built the river next to the railroad so that they could build rafts and carrry them up on the railroad and then at a point get off and then raft down the river and back to town. Does anyone think that this would have been a better answer?

on Jul 14, 2004
I think you should have told them that tourists were complaining about a lack of scenery from the train cars, so the city built the river.
on Jul 15, 2004
Uuuuuuuuugh. I was just in Hawaii for my honeymoon, and granted it's one of the 50, but I still felt like a tourist. I *hate* that feeling.

I daresay, however, that we were not as stupid as the ones you encountered. Probably my worst faux pas was mispronouncing "river" in French so that it said "toilet" (I KNEW the guy was pointing in the wrong direction, but couldn't figure out why). No wonder the French hate us.
on Jul 15, 2004