Attacks against traditional marriage
Published on July 14, 2004 By Adventure-Dude In Current Events
Homosexuals have openly admitted that they are "different" then the majority of the people. I have heard many theories of why they are gay from a social to a biological standpoint. They weren't loved enough or they didn't get the hormonal wash inside the mother's womb. Doesn't matter. The point is that they realize that they are different. My question is why should they have the same rights as a traditional heterosexual marriage. If they realize they are different why should that be the same? They say it is for the "benefits" of a marital status (meaning health insurance, life insurance, etc). Well, why not go through the legal system and set up your own legal "homosexual union" status and fight for those rights rather than taking something I hold dear and desecrate it. The very definition of marriage is: 'The legal union of a man and woman as husband and wife.' from (I know that it later mention something about same sex marriage at the end of the definition but prior to this year it wasn't there also I would like to add that it is italicized). Marriage defined in the bible is between a man and a woman. Not man and a man or woman and a woman. But back to my prior point. They realize they are different. They want equal rights. Then establish something different because that is what you are.

Please do not take this as being offensive. I am not trying to “judge” anyone but only to provoke thought

on Jul 14, 2004
Let churches marry whoever they want. Get government out of the marriage business for everyone gay or straight. No tax breaks or other "bennies" for married folks over single either. Just my opinion.
on Jul 14, 2004
I didn't realize that a few others had already posted a similar idea. I just found this out after I wrote this article.
on Jul 14, 2004
I didn't realize that a few others had already posted a similar idea. I just found this out after I wrote this article. problem. It's good to get a multitude of views on this.