Deer turn it to elk
Published on July 13, 2004 By Adventure-Dude In Welcome
I live in a small mountain town where there are a lot of tourists in the summer. I was walking down mainstreet minding my own business and was approached by a tourist. They asked how I was doing and I responded, "I am doing well thank you!" I thought that they were just being friendly but I saw the anticipation of a proceeding question coming. Let me guess you are looking for a local attraction and you don't know where it is right? No, I was completely taken by surprised by the question. The question follows: "Can you tell me at what elevation do Deer turn into Elk?" At first I thought he was just being funny but he continued having an inquiring look. Like the kind hearted guy I am I responded, " At about 7500ft." However in my mind I am laughing because this person has no clue that they are two completely different animals. Now there is some poor soul out there who believes that "deer" turn into "elk" at 7500ft.
on Jul 13, 2004
What an idiot! Do all tourists lose their brains when they leave their towns?
on Jul 13, 2004
Thank you Kayles for your comment!
on Jul 13, 2004
You're welcome, my friend!
on Jul 13, 2004
What an idiot!

...speaking on behalf of stupid tourists everywhere, I am very sorry, I'd probably be with that poor dude!
on Jul 13, 2004
... welcome to JoeU Adventure-Dude!!!

That was an interesting Article... I liked it.

I'd probably be with that poor dude!

Me too!!

on Jul 13, 2004
Thank you all for your comments please check back soon I will post more stories about silly tourists. Have a great day!