We can ALL use them?
Published on January 25, 2008 By Adventure-Dude In Home Improvement
In high school I lived in a show home where things had to be immaculate. It totally sucked but that was the life I had to live. I am however, very grateful to this period in my life as I learned some valuable lessons.

This article is more for idea sharing on household cleaning tips for us ALL to benefit. I am not a big fan of harsh chemicals and I am economically conscious as well (aren’t we all).

Here are some tips that I’ll start out with:

Microwave: I know the microwave can be a NASTY thing to clean. I remember when I was in the show home I HATED cleaning that stupid thing. At first I was using a cleaning spray (Fantastic I think) but noticed that the next few things I cooked in there had a subtle hint of cleaner. This was not really an added flavor to gourmet microwave cooking (hehe as if there is such a thing!).

Here is my Non-Chemical Microwave cleaning tip:

The bottom line is that most of the things are cooked onto the Microwave surface and stick so well because they become dry. What I do is take a microwave safe bowl ( I use a glass cereal bowl) and nuke it for about 3-5 minutes. I let the now boiling temp water steam the microwave for about another 5 minutes. Take your well rinsed dish rag and wipe the inside of your microwave. If there are still some pieces in there (stubborn lil things) then just repeat.

Plugged sink: This is one of those things that seem to happen more our bathroom then anywhere else. I don’t know the whole logistics of what is in there and I probably don’t want to know the compounds or organisms that find residence in my sink drains. Jyther might be able to shed some light on this if deemed necessary?

I use baking soda and Vinegar to clean them out. But if you don’t carefully follow the directions you’ll end up with one HECK of a mess.

Basically take your Baking soda and put about 1 cup of baking soda in your drain using water move it down a bit. Follow up with the about a ½ cup of vinegar or lemon juice. A word of caution here! Be sure to have a rag handy to cover the sink hole with or else the stuff will blow back into the sink. Hold the rag there for about 1 minute.

The nice thing about this is that it doesn’t mess up your septic system nor is it as harsh of a chemical as lye.

Well, there’s the start JU. What tips do you have?

on Jan 25, 2008
Another Tip:

If your commode area is carpeted be careful of cleaning your toilet with a cleaner that has Hydrogen Cloride (Hydrochloric acid) in it. If you spill it on the carpet it most likely will destroy the glue in the carpet making patches of no carpet.

This happened to us after we noticed this happening each time the cleaning lady came over. I busted out my chemistry set of household cleaners and put on my detective hat and began testing them on a separate piece of carpet and found out that it was the toilet bowl cleaner that was the culprit.
on Jan 25, 2008
Some tips I've heard:

Vinegar in water and used for cleaning windows with newspaper.
Put no packets on top of a microwave as it blocks the ducts.
Run scalding water through kitchen drains to clear blockages.
Keep beer cold by puting it on the tiled floor during winter.
Clean computer screens with Windex
.Buy a compressed air can to clean keyboards and computer innards.
on Jan 25, 2008

When you use a Windex type product to clean glass on pictures and computer screens,  spray the CLOTH or paper toweling,  NOT the screen or picture!  Otherwise you'll end up with Windex infiltrating your computer and also the cleaner will seep through to the picture in a frame.

NEVER mix Comet cleanser with bleach!!   TOXIC fumes that could potentially kill you!   Happened to a lady I knew.

on Jan 26, 2008

NEVER mix Comet cleanser with bleach!! TOXIC fumes that could potentially kill you!

I wonder if Comet has Ammonia.  As that will create mustard gas.

My Tip?  Marry my sister (oops!  She is already married - sorry!), or let her move in for a while.  Her cleaning made this bachelor's house a very clean one! (That was the year before I married my wife).