A second look at Organic
Published on March 21, 2006 By Adventure-Dude In Health & Medicine
Last Fall I went to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. While I was there I learned that all their food was totally organic. These are not people that grow organic for small farmer's profit as here in the states. Their crops are organic due to affordability. They cannot afford pesticides nor herbicides. While I was there I experienced the health of my youth. The meats are anti-biotic free and are totally natural. The milk there (although not pastuerized) tasted so much better. Yes Kyrgyzstan is a VERY poor country but their food is REALLY good.

I keep reading news articles saying that the US wants to help grow KGs agriculture. My thought is what the heck? Who are we to tell them how to grow agriculture? We have GMO foods that destroy our immune systems. A large part of our fruits and vegetables are hybrids.

My question is who should be teaching who?

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