Shedding light
Published on February 8, 2006 By Adventure-Dude In Religion
In this article I want to provide a different perspective that you may not have heard before regarding the Law.

I am going to use an analogy I heard and have expanded upon. Many of us drive an automobile of some sort. We all are aware of the laws that exist when driving on the road (ie speed limits, stop signs, right of ways, etc). There are two ways to look at these laws. We can look at them as mere suggestions or that they are ridiculous (or take the fun away) and so we break them carelessly. On the other side we have those who see the laws as a structure to provide safe travel. They have an understanding that the law is not out to oppress them but to protect them. It is seen as a guideline that if everyone followed would drastically reduce the number of accidents on the road today. The blessing from observing the law is protection and safety.

With this picture let’s switch gears to the Biblical laws. Just as there are many different types of drivers out there there who observe the law so differently depending upon their interpretations of the law. Many Christians believe that the many of the laws no longer exist and do not follow them. Some take what I think is out of context Paul’s writings about the law being done away with (as if the speed limit sign was taken down). For me I used to believe this but no longer live this way. Interestingly not only am I striving to live according to the law I also am striving to drive in the same manner. Now let’s talk about where Grace comes into the picture. Grace I see it is when we do speed or get pulled over for breaking a law (or in some cases multiple). Many know that they can drive at least 5MPH over the limit and not receive a ticket. Did the law change or is there grace from the officer that didn’t pull you over? Last time I checked the Rules and Regulations of the road there is still a penalty for driving 1-4 over the speed limit. But instead of appreciating that there is grace there are drivers who will drive up to 9 MPH over the posted limit which to me stretches out the limit to grace. In a like manner there are believers who do what they observe the laws enough so that they don’t “get into trouble.” My question to you isn’t this rebellion? Mercy (or unmerited favor) is the officer who pulls you over and instead of giving you what you deserve lets you off the hook with a warning. This I see is the reason for the stories of the OT. It shows a warning of how G-D feels when we break his commandments. David has many writings of how wonderful the law is. I too am finding a true beauty in observing the laws.


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